Friday, May 04, 2007

Priority in life

Reading this article reminds me of someone who's putting work over eevrything else.

As quoted, * If you do not feel well, you should listen to your body and rest. “Don’t push yourself so hard doing one thing. That’s like putting all your eggs in one basket. Because if something happens to you, everything comes to an end,” she said. *

This is easier said than done. When the ear refuse to listen, the brain thought the body has the capacity to carry the load, your words could simply become a distraction. But there's one thing that's very true - only if something strikes on you, then you realise the consequences, and you regret. In some cases, you may not live to even regret.

I think that's how this word "regret" is being created.

Why regret when you can choose to listen in the first place? Live the consequences.

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